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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan, R. Simon, D. Giannini, R. Connor. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe,  Captain Rios,  eight members of public, two members of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Elizabeth Stocker, Town of Newtown Director of Community Development, asked that the Commission reconsider the removal of the parking spaces in Sandy Hook Center. She said this action would be detrimental to the plan for Sandy Hook Center that was worked on by the Steering Committee, P&Z, Conservation and the merchants in the area. DOT issued an encroachment permit to the Town. The mid-block crosswalk was removed from the plans. She said that nine head in spaces were to be removed and replaced with five parallel spaces and a plaza. Chairman Mattegat said that parking was not discussed when Ms. Stocker made the presentation earlier in the year. Ms. Stocker said that the parking was in the plans but perhaps we did not emphasize that we had parking in the street. Ms. Stocker said that one goal is to slow traffic down. Keith Beaver, Didona Associates, said that the proposed parking was four spaces in front of the liquor store-deli-hairdresser building, one in front of 100 Church Hill and one on the other side of the street. Commissioner Finnegan thought that the sidewalks would stay the same and not be out in the street. He said that there had been room for two lanes with the head-in parking. Mike Galante, Frederick P. Clarke Associates, traffic engineer, said that the Commission proposed removing five spaces, four in front of the plaza and one in front of 100 Church Hill. Chief Kehoe said that the State Engineer did not want parking in front of 100 Church Hill because of difficulty with seeing traffic coming down Church Hill when exiting the parking lot. Mr. Galante said that we want on street parking to slow traffic down and to maintain the parking that was taken out of the plaza area. He said that if four spaces are removed the traffic may be going too fast when they reach the intersection. He said there is not really a traffic lane there as it is only eight feet wide. He said there were 5 accidents in that area from improper passing in the past four years. Captain Rios said that two of those accidents resulted from someone pulling out of 100 Church Hill. Mr. Galante said Phase I was curbing, sidewalks and on street parking and that in Phase II we would like to see a change in the timing of the light from 80 to 60 seconds cycle,  to have the State upgrade the signal to a multi-function signal and to have the pole removed from the middle of the road. CL&P was not receptive to Mr. Galante’s request to remove the pole nor to the Commission a few years ago when they made the same request. Mr. Galante suggests removing two spaces and to move the other spaces to make a better sight line. He is trying to avoid having a right turn lane too long so that traffic is going too fast. He said that the distance from the bridge to the second parking space is about 100 feet, about five car lengths. If the two spaces are removed parking would start beyond the hairdresser. Commission Simon said there are multiple empty spaces in the back lot whenever he has been there and that traffic is stopped completely if even one car is parked on the street.

Commissioner Finnegan moved to table the matter until the next meeting at which time any modifications that the Commission proposes will be discussed and voted on. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Mike Burton, 107 Glen Road, is a co-owner of 102 Church Hill Road. He said that when the nine head-in parking spaces were replaced with four spaces, he negotiated with his tenants for this change. He said that to now eliminate the four spaces will be against the leases. He also said that the parking lot is full on Friday or Saturday afternoons. Ray Ruzek, 10 Glen Road, is a co-owner of 102 Church Hill Road. He said that Town documents discuss pedestrian safety and a pedestrian friendly environment. He said the last thing we need is traffic moving faster through Sandy Hook center. Pedestrian safety should trump moving traffic faster in town. Businesses need on street parking for the quick in and out customers. Mike Kerler, 8 Sweetbriar Lane, was a member of the Sandy Hook Steering Committee and operates the liquor store. He said that 20% of his business comes in the front and increased when the State marked spaces in front. If on street parking is eliminated, people will not cross the street and traffic will move faster. On Friday nights the parking lot is full. He suggests a left turn arrow at the light. Mary Fellows, 120  Walnut Tree Hill Road, said that people making a right turn on red do not stop and people have trouble exiting her driveway because of this; her driveway is the old post office driveway. She asked that the light be looked at. She said that the Commission is penalizing the entire Hook for 1-2 hours of rush hour traffic and that traffic is not a problem during the rest of the day.

Commissioner Finnegan noted that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 rather than on Tuesday, which is Election Day.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon, the minutes of September 5, 2006 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (September, 2006). Overtime is up slightly due to the Parade and vacations. Budget balances and GL Accounts were unremarkable. Fleet the two new cars will be in service this month. Personnel Officers Jacobino and Poole are doing very well at the Academy and will graduate on October 23.  Officer Nosal is on her own. Probationary officer Dingee is doing well.  Training is noted in the packets  Several Letters of appreciation were received. Expanded DUI Enforcement Grant Summer Program has been completed.
CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (September, 2006)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report. DUI activity is ahead of last year’s pace. Motor Vehicle Activity  for several officers has increased considerably. The Board is very pleased. Qualifications for 45 caliber firearms will be completed this month. DUI Checkpoint was cancelled due to the weather and an internal matter. Checkpoints will be set up for the next four months and will include a holiday grant. A new crossing guard, Joseph Serranno, is in training.

Chief Kehoe noted that the State passed an ordinance concerning alcohol served to minors at house parties. He noted that Newtown passed such an ordinance already.


Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on the stop signs at the intersection of Castle Hill Road and Taunton Lake Road.  Chief Kehoe reported that Lt. Mooney and Officers Silver and Kullgren researched the matter and concluded that the Commission never did approve the signs. The officers are commended for the fine work on this matter. Commissioner Finnegan moved that the Board of Police Commissioners authorize the three stop signs at the intersection of Castle Hill and Taunton Lake Roads. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.
Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on revised ordinance for Fire Zones. Chief Kehoe reported that the Commission had revised the Police portion of the ordinance previously but no action was taken by the Legislative Council. Lt. Mooney worked with Fire Marshal Bill Halstead and Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners Kevin Cragin to draft the ordinance revision. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the revised ordinance for Fire Zones. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.


Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on application by Newbrook LLC for a four lot Subdivision, 7 Obtuse Road  Commissioner Connor moved to accept the application by Newbrook LLC as presented. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on the stop signs at the intersection of Misty Vale and Alder Lane.   Commissioner Finnegan moved to table this item. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation (next agenda).  The November agenda will include request for stop signs at Misty Vale and Alder Lane, Sandy Hook Center and the 2007 meeting dates for the Commission.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:15  p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims, to interview Police Sergeant candidates and review of Performance Evaluation Reports for Police Sergeant candidates for promotion to Police Sergeant and for review of Det. Sergeant Candidate’s Resumes, Performance Evaluation Reports & Qualifications for appointment to Detective Sergeant Position and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Giannini and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk